Smart Habits For Business Women
Posted by ESIN AKAN

Women by nature are highly meticulous and organised, all sounds like a good recipe for success right? Believe there is a method behind rising to the top!
Climbing up that career ladder isn’t easy, and nothing helps more than organisation and preparation. Knowing your dreams and goals is one thing, but executing them comes with an ability to strategize the week ahead to maximise your potential.
What’s that saying, fail to prepare and prepare to fail? There is a reason that this saying isn’t taken lightly. Preparing your day in advance gives you time to allow for any hiccups that you might incur or just gives your mind that ease that allows you to keep calm and not panic and rush things.
Here at Esin Akan, we swear by these three smart habits that all smart women do in their quest to success.
- Pack up your troubles
- If you have ever been on holiday abroad or a weekend break along the coast, you know how much of a nightmare packing can be. Packing for every occasion is a must and packing for work is the same. When you pack the night before, it avoids you rush-packing in which you chuck a load of things in your work bag you don’t need or end up pulling out your cuddly toy that only you are allowed to know about in front of all your colleagues (believe me, this happens).
Ensure you know what you need and that you will use everything to not overload your work bag and make it heavy and unbearable to carry around. Think essentials, whether it’s a laptop, charger, notebook, top-up makeup, purse etc, make sure it is done the night before. This is for your own benefit! Say goodbye to getting up that extra 5 minutes early to make sure you have everything and say hello to extra sleep and well needed mind rest. - “Nothing fits me right now”
- Plan, Plan, PLAN! This is all we have to say. Planning your outfit the night before is essential to ensuring you pick a killer combo outfit for the day ahead. No one wants to walk into the office with windswept hair and a baggy jumper with some horrible mismatched trouser and shoes. You want your outfit to reflect YOU. You want your outfit to reflect your personality whilst remaining smart, striking and serious. Dont forget to pick statement shoes and a transitional bag to carry you though the day and complement your outift (p.s Esin Akan's 3-in-1 bags are perfect for work to dinner use). You are serious about your career and style and it is possible to have both – if you plan the night before, you evade the “nothing fits me” ordeal. - Dare to dream?
Dreams, goals, aspirations. These aren’t just meant for paper. These three are meant for reality. Achieving these may seem like an impossibility, but without recognising your dreams and creating goals for yourself, you are making it that extra bit harder for yourself. Make life easy and organise your life. Create lists that map out your dreams, your career goals, your desires to help you get to where you want to be! Constantly updating your lists help you to prioritise and check your progress to keep you on track.
Here are our top picks for convenience and sustaining style for your place of work (and of course to keep all your things organised).

Stockholm – Tote/Shoulder bag
Milan – Tote/Clutch bag
Rome – Shoulder/Clutch bag
@esinakanlondon #smartbagsforsmartwomen